Friday, December 13, 2019
Day 84-Friday
We have entered a lot of grades in the last few days. Mistakes have been made. Look at your grade to make sure there has not been a mistake made that hurts you.
1. SSR
2. SAT Prep
This will help you on the final exam
3. Final Exam Essay
Video Introduction
Get ready to read, annotate, and highlight
The Immigration WeVideo and Transcendentalism Writing (Unit III) are due by 7:30 am Monday. Anything submitted after 7:30 am will be DELETED in front of the class!!
Thursday, December 12, 2019
Day 83 - Thursday
1. SSR
2. Course Recs for next year
3. Revise Transcendentalism paragraph OR work on WeVideo Immigration
4. Immigration Documentary: 4th Wave
The Dreamers
All of the Unit III/Transcendentalism Writing has been graded and updated.
We will NOT accept any first submission or revision past 7:30am on Monday Morning. This is a hard deadline. Email the work to Rossetti. Anything going to Hernandez or Diebold will not be graded.
WeVideo Immigration is Due Monday as well, LINK HERE
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Day 82 - Wednesday

1. SSR
2. SAT practice- pronoun clarity
3. Last Day in Class to complete Transcendentalism Song Project
Project is Due in English Folder by FRIDAY
Work on revising/first draft of transcendentalism paragraph
Work on Immigration WeVideo project
Transcendentalism Song project - FRIDAY All Revisions for Transcendentalism paragraph - FRIDAY
WeVideo Immigration Project - FRIDAY
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Day 81 -Tuesday
1. SSR
2. Practice: claim evidence reasoning
-activity (make a copy)
3. Transcendentalism Song project
4. Immigration Documentary: 4th Wave
The Dreamers
All Revisions for Transcendentalism paragraph - FRIDAY
WeVideo Immigration Project - FRIDAY
Monday, December 9, 2019
Day 80 - Monday
1. SSR
2. SAT practice - Pronoun clarity
3. Turn in Work
-Transcendentalism paragraph in English folder
-WeVideo links HERE
-WeVideo scripts (on paper) hand in
4. Transcendentalism song project (LAST GRADE!)
-Directions and activity
5. Immigration Documentary: 4th Wave
The Dreamers
All Revisions for Transcendentalism paragraph - FRIDAY
WeVideo Immigration Project - FRIDAY
Friday, December 6, 2019
Day 79 - Friday

Naturalization Ceremony at West Leyden
1. Booktalk
Copy and Paste your book log HERE! (Yes, you are getting graded on it)
Address topics 1, 10, 6, 8, 3, 4 (20 minutes)
2. SAT practice
Shift in verb tense and mood3. Time to Work...get'er done!
Transcendentalism paragraph
Immigration WeVideo project
Upcoming Assignments and Due Dates!!
Transcendentalism paragraph...Monday 12/9
Immigration WeVideo project...Monday 12/9
Thursday, December 5, 2019
Day 78 - Thursday
1. SSR
2. Recall: 4th Wave Immigration
At your tables write down information from yesterday's presentation
3. Reading for Comprehension Activity
The 4th Wave of Immigration
4. Book Logs
5. Finish "Civil Disobedience" Reading from Yesterday
Upcoming Assignments and Due Dates!!
BOOK TALK...This Friday
Transcendentalism paragraph...Monday 12/9
Immigration WeVideo project...Monday 12/9
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Day 77 - Wednesday

1. SSR
2. Book log
3. Civil Disobedience
Last Transcendentalist reading!!
-"Civil Disobedience"
4. 4th wave of immigration presentation & DACA
5. Time to work on one of the following
Transcendentalism paragraph
Immigration WeVideo project
Upcoming Assignments and Due Dates!!
BOOK TALK...This Friday
Transcendentalism paragraph...Monday 12/9
Immigration WeVideo project...Monday 12/9
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Day 76 - Tuesday

1. SSR
2. Vocab (SAT words)
3. Emerson/Thoreau paragraph
4. Immigration WeVideo project
Upcoming Assignments and Due Dates!!
BOOK TALK...This Friday
Transcendentalism paragraph...Monday 12/9
Immigration WeVideo project...Monday 12/9
Monday, December 2, 2019
Day 75 - Monday

1. SSR
2. SAT practice: shift in verb, tense, and mood
3. Emerson/Thoreau paragraph
-Writing prompt
4. Immigration project
- project directions and time frame
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Monday, November 25, 2019
Day 73 - Monday
1. SSR
2. Finish Walden
-Walden (evidence sheet)
3. Introduce transcendentalism writing
-Writing prompt
4. Immigration project
- project directions and time frame
-You will be able to paraphrase sections of Walden.
-You will be able to find evidence of transcendentalist ideals in Walden.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Day 72 - Friday

1. American Identity through an Immigrant's Story
project directions and time frame
2. SSR
3. SAT group quiz
4. Read Walden (Thoreau)
-Walden (evidence sheet)
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Day 70 - Wednesday

1. SSR
2. Vocab quiz
3. Complete Chinese Exclusion Act from yesterday
-activity (make a copy if you have not yet)
4. Introduce Immigration Waves 3 and 4
5. Table Activity: Pick a "Wave"
-Find Four Facts online about this wave
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Day 69 - Tuesday

1. SSR
2. Vocab review (OVER)
3. Review Transcendentalism
- Article
4. 2nd Wave: Chinese Exclusion Act
Monday, November 18, 2019
Day 68 - Monday

A Visual of the 2nd Wave of Immigration to hit the US
Mostly Eastern Cities (New York)
Protestant "Natives" vs. Immigrant Irish Catholics
Friday, November 15, 2019
Day 67 - Friday

1. Homework Eval #5
2. A Visual of the 2nd Wave of Immigration to hit the US
Mostly Eastern Cities (New York)
Protestant "Natives" vs. Immigrant Irish Catholics
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Day 66 - Thursday
1. SSR
2. Vocab
3. The "Four Waves" of Immigration
Presentation (Looking at the first two Waves)
4. Reading: Differences between Catholics & Protestants
-An understanding of the hate and mistrust towards Irish
5. COUNSELORS - Group Guidance #2
Douglass Essay revisions DUE Monday 11/18
1850's argument paragraph DUE Monday 11/18
Great Immigration Debate document DUE Monday 11/18
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Day 65 - Wednesday

1. SSR
2. Transcendentalism exit slip
3. "Where are you from?" student presentations
-share out in small groups about our families
4. Finish Transcendentalism introduction from Yesterday
5. Introduce "experiment journals"
Douglass Essay revisions DUE Monday 11/18
1850's argument paragraph DUE Monday 11/18
Great Immigration Debate document DUE Monday 11/18
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Day 64 - Tuesday

1. SSR
2. "OVER" prefix vocab
3. Link your "Where is Your Family From" presentation
4. Continue working on Great Immigration Debate
You made a copy yesterday
5. Introduction to Transcendentalism
- Transcendentalist ideals
- Presentation
- Exit slip
Douglass Essay revisions DUE Monday 11/18
1850's argument paragraph DUE Monday 11/18
Great Immigration Debate document DUE Monday 11/18
Monday, November 11, 2019
Day 63 - Monday

1. SSR
2. SAT practice- Modifier placement
3. Go over 1850's Paragraph
4. Finish Immigrant kids reading
Creating claims "American Dream"
5. Reading: The Great Immigration Debate (paper)
Your Douglass Essays AND 1850's paragraphs have been graded and posted. You now have one week (7 days) for a first submission or a resubmission. All work is due Nov. 18
Your "Where are you from" family presentations will be presented this Wednesday!
Friday, November 8, 2019
Day 62 - Friday

1. Book log
2. SAT practice- Modifier placement
3. Finish Presentation "Where are you from"
-Student Assignment: Where are you from?
4. Why do people come to the US? (10 min)
-write on the tables as many reasons as you can
-do some research online and add to your list
-let's discuss!!
5. What are "Native" reactions to immigrants? (10 min)
-write on the tables as many reasons as you can
-do some research online and add to your list
-let's discuss!!
6. Reading: Immigrant kids more likely to Attain the American Dream
- article (on paper)
-grab a highlighter and a pen/pencil
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Day 61 - Thursday

1. SSR
2. Introduce new vocabulary
- Prefix "OVER"
3. Wrap up Slavery Unit - Summarize
- writing activity of what we learned in this unit (20 min)
American Identity: created by the few, for the many
- Unpacking the Unit
- Presentation: Where are Hernandez and Diebold "from"?
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Day 60 - Wednesday
1. SSR
2. SAT practice-parallel structure
3. Finish Douglass! (part two of chapter 11)
HOLD THE PRESS...This just in...Link
4. Continued:
One Legacy of Reconstruction and the Civil War
-Confederate Monuments
-John Oliver's take on this subject
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Day 59 - Tuesday

1. SSR
2. Vocab review game (8 words)
3. Douglass chapter 11 (part one)
-Group quote activity
4. One Legacy of Reconstruction and the Civil War
-Confederate Monuments
Monday, November 4, 2019
Day 58 - Monday

1. SSR
2. SAT practice-parallel structure
3. COLLECT 1850's paragraphs!!
4. Finish reading Douglass chapter 10 (94-100)
5. Reconstruction: America After the Civil War
Authors argument
Authors writing (but its a video...)
1. 1850's paragraph
2. Douglass Essay
3. Long Term Events Chart
You need to complete these!!
Friday, November 1, 2019
Day 57 - Friday

1. SSR LOG- You should already have this from last week
2. SAT practice- parallel structure
3. Douglass chapter ten (part two)
-In your groups: read pages 84-91
-Complete these questions as you read
4. Reconstruction (what really matters)
-introduction video (episodes)
-Reading Activity
Did you complete the Douglass Essay?
Did you complete the Long Term Events Chart?
Did you complete the 1850's paragraph (on paper)?
Special: 1850's paragraph will be collected Monday!!
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Day 56 - Thursday

1. SSR
2. Vocab -"OUT prefix"
3. Highlighting your Douglass essay
4. Civil War in 40 minutes or less
-Election of Abraham Lincoln
-Four Bloody Years: April to April
5. Douglass chapter ten (part two)
-In your groups: read pages 84-91
-Complete these questions as you read
Homework: Finish the 1850's paragraph DUE Tomorrow!
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Day 55 - Wednesday

1. SSR
2. SAT practice test #4: questions 34-44
3. Last chance in class to write the 1850's paragraph
-writing instructions
-These will be due this Friday, Nov. 1st
1. Douglass essay is due TONIGHT!
2. Long Term Events Chart is due TONIGHT
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Day 54 - Tuesday
1. SSR
2. Vocab
-Four OUT pre-fix words
3. Douglass reading quiz (chapter ten-part one)
4. Douglass chapter ten (part two)
5. 1850s paragraph (test grade)
-writing instructions
1. Finish the Douglass essay. It's due TOMORROW night!
(we are starting to grade them Thursday morning!!)
2. Finish the Long Terms Events Chart. It's also due TOMORROW night!
Monday, October 28, 2019
Day 53 - Monday

1. SSR
2. SAT Practice-Subordination and coordination
3. 1850s
-Watch Videos for each event
-Group determines severity of events leading to war
-Create a spectrum on the whiteboards
4. Finish Douglass Essay
-At this point you should only have the Conclusion paragraph left
1. Douglass Essay is Due Wednesday night - TEST GRADE
(We are immediately starting to grade these Thursday morning)
2. Douglass Reading Quiz on Chp. 10 Part one reading packet Tomorrow!!
3. "Long Term Events" chart is due Thursday morning
Friday, October 25, 2019
Day 52 - Friday

1. Book Log- Next book talk will be December 6th
2. SAT Practice- subordination and coordination
3. Homework Self-Eval #4
4. Introduce 1850's activity
Individual reads their event and gets SIX words to write down on paper
Group discussion about the events
5. Start Douglass chapter ten (part one)
-Discussion questions
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Day 51 - Thursday

1. SSR
2. SAT practice- subordination and coordination
3. Long Term Events Chart
-Louisiana Purchase and Missouri Compromise
4. Douglass essay writing
Homework: Complete the Long Term Events Chart
Due Monday Oct. 28th
Day 50 - Wednesday

1. SSR
2. SAT practice- subordination and coordination
3. Douglass essay writing ONLINE BOOK
-Introduction paragraph should be done
-1st body paragraph should be finished today!
-2nd body paragraph should be started today!
Homework: Work on this ESSAY!
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Day 49 - Tuesday

No School.
Parent - teacher conferences
Monday, October 21, 2019
Friday, October 18, 2019
Day 47 - Friday
1. Book Talks
- Copy and Paste your book log HERE! (Yes, you are getting graded on it)
- Select a leader- This person will make sure that one person does not talk too long and move the conversation to the next topic if it's died our or not going anywhere.
- Select a starter- This person will decide the order of the discussion. You will be talking about questions 1,3,6,8,10,12. THE CONVERSATION MUST START WITH QUESTION 1
- Select a time keeper- this person will make sure the conversation on each topic goes for at least 2 minutes but not more than 4 minutes
- Select a questioner- This person's job will be to ask questions of the people in the group (this means you need to listen and pay attention) if the conversation is drying up, but the group has not spent 2 minutes on the topic.
What am I looking for?
- A positive attitude and experience
- A genuine conversation about your book
- You are engaged in the discussion and paying attention (evidence by asking questions and participating)
- You are respectful of the others in your group
- If the conversation is good, you might not get to all the topics-that's okay
What am I NOT looking for?
- A "mean mug" and sour attitude
- Silence- it kills
- Groups off task
- Minimal participation
2. You're Welcome- Work something that is going to bring your grade up!
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Day 46 - Thursday

1. SEL lesson #1
2. Create a plan for tomorrow!
Look at your grade
What are you missing
Create a plan (handout)
3. SSR
4. Vocab prefix words
5. Long Term Events chart
- Abolition movement
(read silently and create your summary)
6. Finish reading Douglass chapter seven
-Discussion questions
7. Douglass essay writing
-Douglass Essay
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Day 44 - Tuesday

1. SSR
2. SAT word vocab review
3. Long Term Events Chart
-Northern Growth, Southern Growth, Nat Turner
4. Read half of Douglass chapter seven
-Discussion questions
5. Douglass essay writing
-Douglass Essay
Monday, October 14, 2019
Friday, October 11, 2019
Day 42 - Friday
1. SSR book log (book talks are next Friday!) Explanation
2. SAT practice- "sentence boundaries"
3. Long Term Events chart
-Southern Growth
-Nat Turner's Rebellion (YOU will "research")
-Abolition Movement
4. America Story of Us: "Division"
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Day 41 - Thursday

1. SSR
2.SAT vocab word map
3. Introduce Douglass Essay
4. Writing Sample
-Douglass Introductory Paragraph
5. Essay practice
-Identifying elements of a body paragraph
6. Long term events chart
- Complete Northern Growth (10 min)
- Map of US in 1820
- Begin Southern Growth
Homework: Northern Growth should be done in the chart
Southern Growth should be done in the chart
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Day 40 - Wednesday

1. SSR
2. SAT practice- "sentence boundaries"
3. Finish the Douglass Compare and contrast from yesterday
4. Long term events chart
-Northern Growth
Homework: Every single one of you is missing work...Please start turning these assignments in.
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
Day 39 - Tuesday

Check period 9/10's HW- they needed to complete the secondary source's chart on the back of the constitution activity.
1. SSR
2. SAT vocab word map
3. DIDLS Chart (Douglass)
4. Long term events chart (make a copy)
-Looking at several events that led to the Civil War/End of Slavery
-Example: Hamilton v. Jefferson
5. Activity: Douglass Chap. 6
- Compare and contrast
Monday, October 7, 2019
Day 38 - Monday

1. SSR
2. SAT Practice- "Within Sentence punctuation"
3. Finish "Slavery in the Constitution"
4. Summary of Douglass Chap. 5
5. Read Chapter 6
Discussion Questions displayed on screens
Highlighting: Orange = Themes Yellow = Shocking
Friday, October 4, 2019
Day 37 - Friday

1. SSR book log (book talks on October 18th!)
-This document should already be in your drive Book Log
2. SAT Practice- "Within-sentence punctuation"
3. Homework log (Self evaluation #3)
4. Drawing a scene from Douglass (no words allowed!)
-Instructions for this activity
5. Begin "Slavery in the Constitution" reading
-Read and complete the charts
Homework: Declaration paragraphs/revisions are DUE NOW!
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